Timeline for Completion of the Final Project

In each of the six remaining weeks of our course you will be doing ongoing work to develop and complete your 10pp. final paper for our Crit B together.

For Week Ten, on our meeting October 29 {Topic Workshop}:

We will do a brief workshop in which you discuss with colleagues what sort of Paper Topic you mean to pursue: (one) a close interpretive reading of one of the theoretical pieces assigned on the syllabus; (two) researching a question introduced as a topic in one or more of the pieces assigned on our syllabus; or (three) an engagement with an artist, art work, art exhibit, or art movement either through the theoretical lens of an assigned piece or connected to a topic discussed in assigned pieces.

For Week Eleven, on our meeting November 5 {Paper Workshop}:

We will spend the entire meeting time on a series of workshops, to develop a thesis, opposition, and basic outline for your Final Paper. You will hand in this workshop worksheet with your final on the last day of class.

For Week Twelve, on our meeting November 12 {Take-Home Peer Editing Workshop}:

You will bring two copies of a short first rough draft of your paper, 4-5pp. developed from the workshop worksheet from Week Eleven. You will hand these drafts to colleagues for peer-editing feedback. I will distribute a take-home Peer Editing Worksheet to guide the feedback process and ensure everybody gets useful, consistent levels of feedback. You will be handing the peer-work you receive back from your colleagues with your final paper. It will be graded. We will be screening and discussing a film in class, so you will have little reading to prepare for this meeting (if you think you may want to write about the film you should watch it first in advance of the Week Eleven workshop).

For Weeks Thirteen and Fourteen, on our meetings November 19 and 26 {Symposium}:

We will be participating in a Symposium together, in which everybody presents material from their final projects as works-in-progress, both reading polished excerpts and summarizing general points and raising questions. The symposium takes place over two class meetings, divided by me into panels of (ideally) three participants each, (ideally) presenting on topics that thematically or formally seem connected, each presentation to last from ten to at most twelve minutes, each panel followed by a question and answer period fifteen to twenty minutes long or so.

For Week Fifteen, on our December 3 meeting {Final Papers Due}:

You will be handing in your Final 10pp. Paper, together with various writing and peer-editing workshop worksheets and your Reading Notebooks.


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